Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Benefits of Social Media Detox

Social media detox is a period of time when someone chooses to stay away from their social media for a while. Many people try to stay away from their social media because they feel like they have spent too much time on it and need a break. After all, not only gives people a break but staying away from social media also brings many benefits. There are at least three benefits of social media detox.
               Social media detox helps people to connect more with the real world. Many people spend a lot of time on social media until they forget about real conversations with real people. Being away from social media gives them time to have a conversation with people surround them so that they can build real relationships and live in the moment.
               Narcissistic can be reduced by doing social media detox. Social media provides a place for people to do self-promotion such as posting pretty pictures and showing off their wealth to seek others’ approval. Social media detox will disconnect them from the ability of self-promotion. By stoping to promote themselves, the narcissistic behavior will be reduced.
               Social media detox can make people stop comparing themselves to others. Social media allows people to see others’ moments. The ability to look through others’ lives leads them to compare themselves to others. Being away from social media will make people stop seeing others’ lives and be more grateful for their own life. When someone is sad and he sees his friend’s happy photo on Instagram, he will feel like his life is miserable. However, if he cannot see the photo, he will be more grateful because he is not able to compare himself to his friend.
               In conclusion, social media detox is a time when people decide to stay away from social media because they need a break after using social media too much. There are some benefits of doing social media detox which are connecting to the real world, decreasing narcissistic, and making people stop comparing themselves to others.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Piece of Sweet Potato Tip

    Hi people! this story is based on my true experience. Enjoy!

     It was the first day of junior high school. I was terrified if I couldn't make any friends. And it happened simply because I was an awkward kid. Btw I hadn't realized it. I felt so lonely at that time because people had already get to know each other. I actually was in the same class with one of my best friends from elementary school, let's just call her Nadine. But apparently, she wasn't interested anymore to be my friend. She had already found new friends and easily forgot about me.
     Time flies, and it had been about three weeks since I became a student in junior high school. I sat on the floor outside my class at break time that day. Alone. Then I heard a girl singing a very familiar song called "I have a dream" by Westlife. I knew that girl, she was in the same class as me, let’s just call her Anne, but we didn't really talk, well until that day. I said to her that I know that song. Immediately we talked about a bunch of stuff together and let just said we became best friends. At least that’s what I thought. We basically were always together at school. I was very happy that I finally had a friend.

     One day, a teacher told us(students) to make a wall magazine, and they promise to display each magazine that we would make on the wall magazine board every week. I was so excited because I loved to do a crafting activity. Anne and I decided to team up, and I was so happy because I didn't have to worry about not having a friend to make it. Then, we made the magazine at her house. Apparently, she was very good at drawing. So I was the one who came up with the idea to create a magazine about weird things like weird animals, weird plants, etc, and she drew those things. Well, the result was amazing in my opinion, I was very happy and so did she.

     The next day we were really excited to bring our magazine to the class. Everyone had their own but ours was just different. It was pretty unique I thought. And I remember a girl named Stella came up to us and said that our magazine was just bad because it had no specific theme. I said to her that it was about weird things and she didn’t really listen to me and continue mocking our work. Stella was actually a very smart kid in the class but her attitude at that time did hurt me so much. Anne was a quiet girl so she didn't really say anything. Well, let just say Stella's magazine was good but very basic, but surprisingly, it was the first magazine that the teacher decided to display in the first week. I was a little shock but in my mind, I said “let’s just wait until ours is displaying”. Weeks by weeks Anne and I were waiting for our magazine to be displayed but until NOW(the present time when I’m literally writing this story until now you are reading this), our magazine was never displayed. I didn’t know what was wrong with ours or maybe they just lost it, we just never knew. 

     Then, a few weeks later, we were kind of forgot about our magazine and continued our life. One day, our art teacher said that we had to do a group project about panting. So class would be divided into 4 groups but the teacher had already picked the leader for each group(those who were actually amazing in drawing including Anne to avoid shitty painting result). Then the rule was each leader had to pick one person in the class to be in her/his group and the person who got picked would pick another person in the class and so on. I was so happy when I saw Anne’s name on the board because I didn’t have to worry about who will I work with. I knew Anne would pick me right away because we are best friends (right?), I even gave her code before she came in front of the class like "Anne, pick me, pick me okay?" but she just kind of smile and confused and didn't answer me. Then, it was Anne's turn to pick a person and it shocked me that she didn't pick me, she picked a person who was pretty good at drawing as well. And that person obviously didn’t pick me. So I ended up not in the same group as Anne. I was very upset with her and also sad but I didn't really say anything. I still became her friend because I didn't really have a choice.

     Well, my group wasn't the worst, I guess. We eventually finished our painting project and the result wasn't that bad until when we brought it to the class. Anne's group's painting was obviously the best in the class. And my group's was probably the worst. I was very disappointed with her because she was a selfish bitch who decided not to choose her best friend over a talented girl whom she barely talked to. But what could I say? I guess life is just never that fair.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Rekomendasi 3 Lipstik Nude yang Cocok untuk Kulit Sawo Matang agar Tidak Terlihat Pucat (Murah Meriah)

source: https://www.cosmopolitan.co.za/advice-buys/best-nude-brown-lipsticks-black-girls/

Hi people!  Bagi kalian yang punya kulit sawo matang, pernah gak sih ngerasa kesulitan milih lipstik nude yang pas? Well, you’re not alone, karena aku udah ngalamin jatuh bangunnya mencari lipstik nude yang cocok buat aku yang punya kulit sawo matang ini haha. Bagi kalian yang belum tahu apa itu lipstik nude, basically itu jenis lipstik yang warnanya mirip-mirip warna kulit alami manusia. Jadi kalau di pakai kayak gak pakai lipstik tapi tetap pakai lipstik. Menurutku sih, kalau kita pakai lipstik nude bakal bikin penampilan wajah lebih manis naural gitu, asalkan lipstik nude yang kita pakai cocok. Nah, beberapa kali aku nyobain lipstik nude dari berbagai merk, kebanyakan malah bikin wajahku pucat kayak lagi sakit. Hampir mau nyerah juga dan berpikir bahwa mungkin jenis lipstik ini emang gak ditakdirkan untukku haha. Tapi, akhirnya setelah mondar-mandir kesana-kemari, aku sejauh ini nemuin 3 lipstik nude yang cocok banget sama warna kulitku. Jadi langsung disimak aja ya.

1.       Lipstik Purbasari Matte No.81 Diamond
Yang pertama adalah lipstik dari Purbasari. Lipstik ini punya warna yang kalem banget, sepengelihatanku kayak coklat muda campur pink dikit gitu dan surprisingly ini cocok banget sama aku. Gak bikin pucat sama sekali. Kalau dari segi ketahanannya, menurutku sih kurang oke, karena sehabis makan pasti aku harus touch-up lagi. Cuma ini pigmented banget sih, jadi bener-bener ngecover bibir banget. Dan dengan harga yang super murah, aku kalau gak salah beli waktu itu harganya sekitar Rp.28.000, worth it banget buat lipstikkan sehari-hari.

2.       Mizzu Mermaid Kiss Lipstik
Yang kedua dari Mizzu. Ini adalah lipstik yang dijual satu set sama 2 produk Nivea yaitu lip butter dan face cleanser. Jadi ini adalah set Mizzu Nivea X Rachel Goddard, semisal kalian gak tau, Rachel Goddard adalah salah satu beauty vlogger Indonesia. Aku mutusin buat beli lipstik ini karna kak Rachel punya warna kulit yang hampir sama kayak aku. Dan ternyata emang cocok banget. Lipstik ini sedikit lebih pink dari yang purbasari 81 tadi, tapi tetep cantik banget buat di pakai sehari-hari. Aku kurang tau sih ini limited edition atau nggak, aku dulu belinya di Guardian tapi harganya lupa berapa, kalau gak salah sekitar seratus ribuan dan udah dapat 3 produk.

3.       Maybelline Powder Matte Lipstik Toasted Brown
Yang terakhir ini adalah my favorite. Warnanya menurutku ditengah-tengah antara yang Purbasari dan Mizzu tadi dan kayak ada campuran sedikit warna orange. Jadi menurutku pas banget sama warna kulitku. Dan packagingnya asli cantik banget. Waktu lipstik Maybeliine ini baru-baru keluar, aku masih rada takut mau beli soalnya takutnya nanti gak cocok. Dan akhirnya setelah hampir semua orang udah punya dan udah ngereview, barulah aku berani beli dan ternyata bagus banget, cocok banget buat sehari-hari dan harganya Rp.55.000, menurutku itu termasuk murah banget buat lipstik Maybelline. Jadi semenjak aku beli, lipstik inilah yang jadi andalanku untuk dipakai setiap hari.

Jadi, itu tadi 3 lipstik nude yang aku rekomendasiin buat kalian yang punya warna kulit sawo matang kayak aku. Semisal kalian punya rekomendasi lainnya, bisa bagi-bagi info di kolom komentar ya.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

My Original Poetry: I Love Me

Hi people! I wrote this poetry for my final assignment, but I think I wanna share it with the world because I made it with all my heart. Enjoy!

Image result for cute person standing on mirror photography

I Love Me

By Tissa Risanto

In one moment I think of those all
Fire gone wild inside, but tears represent through the eye
I see me in
front and the mirror doesn't lie
Anxiety throws me into trash they've made

I see me...
A creature of the most imperfect kind
My soul just want to fit in their standar
But they keep saying that i'm not similar

That dark age of my life
When make up and fashion aren't only fun stuff anymore...
They're things you can't live without
Just like you can't breathe without air
Just like you can't live without soul

Hard to tell, when the golden morning light become an audience
For my dramatic morning drama
When even myself hates to see
My self-representation on a piece of reflected glass

The standard is cruel
Hard to follow and reach just turn you into a fool
Make your heartache wider as a bloody pool
Turn you as an impulsive person that willing to sell your soul

Dozen efforts I've done to fulfil their thirsty judgmental throat
Not once they telling me beautiful
They keep
highlighting all the dark spots
No matter how hard I’m trying to      
They keep telling all the flaws
Ohh...Your hair looks so dry
Your eyebrows are weird
Your eye isn't clear
Your jaw isn’t perfect
Your cheeks are getting fat

Now I understand...
Till I open my eyes in one “wake up call” moment
The spark of hope getting inside me
Realization is finally waking up from its hi
Acceptance of self-imperfection finally tickle my confidence
Just let them dig more to find your delusional flaws they've created

Their minds are the problem
My "full of flaws" appearance is beautiful
I do me and...
I love me...

Picture by: https://id.pinterest.com/lauxjustinx/people/

Friday, July 6, 2018

Dine and Mike: Spooky Story

            Mike and Dine usually communicated via phone almost every day. Even tho they almost met every single day but still before they slept, Mike would call Dine just to make sure everything's okay with Dine. They usually talked through the phone for hours until one of them felt sleepy. There wasn’t any strange thing that happened about their habit until that night.
             It was a regular night for Dine, she just finished her homework and she had already taken a bath after.  Now it was 01:30 am in the morning, it wasn’t even a night anymore when Mike’s name was popping on her phone screen. Then, Dine and Mike had a very great conversation as usual. About 30 minutes they’d been talking, Dine told Mike that she felt sleepy already, so she wanted to go to the toilet for brushing her teeth and washing her face before she slept. Yet she said to Mike that she didn’t want to hang up the phone because she still wanted to say good night to Mike after she went back from the toilet. So She put her phone on the bed and Mike had to stay still on the line while Dine was in the toilet doing her business. 
            About maybe 8-10 minutes later finally Dine got out from her toilet. She was so excited to get her phone on her ear cause she knew Mike was still on the line. Then she picked the phone from her bed.
            “Hello babe, are you still there?”
            “Yaa...” Mike answered Dine's question with shaking voice, definitely, there’s something wrong.
            “Mike, what’s wrong?”
            “Promise me to be honest, okay?”
            “Ya, of course, what’s wrong babe? Tell me” Dine was super confused and curious at the same time.
            “There was an old woman’s voice picked up your phone, and she said something like “HEH!” just about two minutes before you picked up, is that you or...?”
            Dine's facial expression immediately changed, she was so afraid now. Her whole body was shaking. Dine looked around her room and she was just completely alone. Dine’s flat was in a peaceful and uncrowded neighborhood. Even, the rooms on the left and right were empty. She looked at her door and it was locked. There’s no way if someone possibly was pranking her.
              “Babe, I have no idea who the hell is that old woman, I don’t do anything. I was still in the bathroom. You are not just making this story up, right?”
            “I’m not kidding babe, I’m terrified now. The voice doesn’t want to go away from my brain. Babe, just follow my instruction now. Make sure that your door is locked, pull up your blanket, and try to sleep okay. I believe everything will be okay. I will not hang up until you fall asleep.”
            Dine was still shocked, but she follow Mike’s instruction, at first her eyes, were hard to be closed, but slowly she fell asleep.

Picture by http://www.clker.com/clipart-72766.html

Monday, June 25, 2018

A Slam Poetry

Hi people! What's up? This time, I post slam poetry and this was actually a college's assignment. Hope you like it!

A broken arrow
By Tissa Risanto

We’ve promised on behalf of our little fingers
As my heart received bright hope in front,
you put me in trust our future with no suffers                                         
no I didn’t smell, it is from an evil ant

You pull the trust arrow from my heart
It was there, now it is a hole pain
Nature has warned you!                                               
But the ego defeat the pure heart

You can’t stab your arrow back
you can't give me your "so fake" effort
You can’t re-put cause it’s already crack                       
You can’t allay this suffer heart

Picture by https://weheartit.com/entry/102883235

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Dine and Mike: Oh Dine!

      Dine was sad last dinner. Mike made her sad, he was silent during the entire dinner. Dine was so confused, she just ate her dinner while she's also holding her tears which about to fall down. Dine asked Mike few times about what's actually going on but Mike just said no words.

    Dine finally finished her dinner. They went back home. At home Dine asked Mike again, and he just answered that he got bored. Dine asked him what makes him bored, is it their relationship? But again, no answer.

     Few minutes later everything seemed back to normal, Mike looked like he was happy again, without talking about his problem that made him changed his mood last dinner. Things were always like that in their relationship, sometimes problems had no solution because Mike didn't wanna talk about it.

       Mike promised Dine to take her out tonight because there weren't busy and important schedule for tomorrow. Dine was super excited to hear that. Yet, Mike said that he felt so hurt in his head so he told Dine to sleep a little bit before they went out. Dine kissed him before he slept. 

     Then the time showed that Mike had to wake up. Dine was waking him up, but he seemed so upset about it. He said that she don't understand how terrible his head is. She already felt hurt actually but she still forced herself to smile and tried to wake him up again. 

     He finally woke up. Dine told him to washed his face before they went out but unpredictably he said that he just wanted to go home right away. Dine felt so hurt, because earlier in the afternoon Mike was the one that promised to take Dine out, and she already imagined a good time that they would have when they spent this night together. 

     Mike was so cold that night, Dine was scared. He grabbed his things and walked to the door. Dine held his hand, she said that they still had about 15 minutes before Mike had to go from her place. Mike said to her that she made him angry. His voice was so cold, it pierced through Dine's heart. Then he went out without saying goodbye like usual. Dine couldn't hold her tears anymore, She screamed Mike's name while he was walking out the door. 

     He left her cry alone. All she needed now was just a hug from him. She hugged her pillow so tightly. After all the tears, she just checked her phone again and again that she hope he would text her an apologize, but no message at all from him tonight. She then felt so much pain all over her body, her eyes couldn't be opened anymore.